Do you hate getting your photo taken ???

A regular line in enquiries we receive is “we hate having our photos taken” or “we’re not really camera people / we’re not comfortable in front of the camera”.

Rest assured, this is more common than you think, and one of the reasons for a lot of our referrals is that we blend into the background, have a relaxed and stress free manner and don’t keep the couple away for hours on a photo shoot. What we do before each wedding is plan for time spent getting photos, keeping it to a minimum but without compromise on quality, and then we make the actual photos as painless as possible. When photographing a couple there is not much in the way of “look at me and say cheese”, it’s more interaction between each couple, and more directed than overly posed.

We are always delighted to take the lead from couples in terms of what they want from their photos and are more than happy to offer assistance and guidance if needed.

Why not drop us a line and arrange a chat to see how we can help on your big day.


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